[11/16, 2:08 PM] Engr Bebeji: Christian religion study CRS SCHEME TABLE OF CONTENT Topics in Christian Religious Studeis to read in Preparation for UTME 1. CREATION TO THE DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM 2. DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM TO THE RETURN FROM EXILE AND THE PROPHETS 3. SELECTED EPISTLES 4. THE FOUR GOSPELS AND THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES JAMB Approved Text Books for CRSTopics in Christian Religious Studeis to read in Preparation for UTME UTME candidates preparing to write Christian Religious Studies in the forthcoming UTME should note that they should read only the 4 topics and 52 subtopics listed below. The topics are; 1. CREATION TO THE DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM This is the first topic and it has 8 subtopics. They include; A MAN AFTER GOD’S HEART DECISION MAKING DIVINE PROVIDENCE, GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OBEDIENCE AND DISOBEDIENCE PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY THE COVENANT THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD 2. DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM TO THE RETURN FROM EXILE AND ...
Showing posts from November, 2018
JAMB ffd
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PHYSICS jamb PHYSICS SYLLABUS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. MEASUREMENTS AND UNITS 2. Scalars and Vectors 3. Motion 4.Projectiles: 5. Equilibrium of Forces 6. (a) Work, Energy and Power 7. Friction 8. Simple Machines 9. Elasticity 10. Pressure 11. Liquids At Rest 12. Temperature and Its Measurement 13. Thermal Expansion 14. Gas Laws 15. Quantity of Heat 16. Change of State 17. Vapours 18. Structure of Matter and Kinetic Theory 19. Heat Transfer 20. Waves 21. Propagation of Sound Waves 22. Characteristics of Sound Waves 23. Light Energy 24. Reflection of Light at Plane and Curved Surfaces 25. Refraction of Light Through at Plane and Curved Surfaces 26. Optical Instruments 27. (a) dispersion of light and colours 28. Electrostatics 29. Capacitors 30. Electric Cells 31. Current Electricity 32. Electrical Energy and Power 33. Magnets and Magnetic Fields 34. Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field 35. (a) Electromagnetic Induction 36. Simple A....
Jamb syllabus
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ENGLISH LANGUAGE SYLLABUS TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES OBJECTIVES ENGR BEBEJI express online services A. Comprehension/Summary (a) description (b) narration (c) exposition (d) argumentation/persuasion (i) Each of the three passages to be set (one will be a cloze test) should reflect various disciplines and be about 200 words long. (ii) Questions on the passages will test the following: (a) Comprehension of the whole or part of each passage. (b) Comprehension of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, figures of speech and idioms as used in the passages. (c) Coherence and logical reasoning (deductions, inferences, etc). (d) The Last Days at Forcados High School, A. H. Mohammed. (e) Synthesis of ideas from the passages. NOTE: By synthesis of ideas is meant the art of combining distinct or separate pieces of information to form a complete whole. Candidates should be able to: i. identify main points/topic sentences in passages; ii. determine implied meaning; iii...
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MATHEMATICS JAMB SYLLABUS ENGR BEBEJI Express online services www.bebejiexpressonline.blogspot.com 📞📞📞📠📠📠📞. Cll/WhatsApp 09067674757/08066336668 Facebook @engr runx Master MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS TABLE OF CONTENT SECTION I: NUMBER AND NUMERATION1. Number bases:2. Fractions, Decimals, Approximations and Percentages:3. Indices, Logarithms and Surds:SECTION II: ALGEBRA.1. Polynomials:2. Variation:3. Inequalities:4. Progression:5. Binary Operations:6. Matrices and Determinants:SECTION III: GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY1. Euclidean Geometry:2. Mensuration:3. Loci:4. Coordinate Geometry :5.Trigonometry:SECTION IV: CALCULUSI. Differentiation:3. Integration:SECTION V: STATISTICS1. Representation of data:2. Measures of Location:3. Measures of Dispersion:4. Permutation and Combination:5. Probability:RECOMMENDED TEXTS TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES OBJECTIVES SECTION I: NUMBER AND NUMERATION 1. Number bases: (a) operations in different number bases from 2 to 10; (b) conversion f...
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*JAMB FORM 2019/2020 -REGISTRATION DETAILS AND EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW* **ENGR BEBEJI** 💪💪💪 *1.* *Is* *Jamb* *2019* *Registration* *Form* *Out?* No, Jamb registration form 2019 is not yet out on sale. Once the registration form is released, you’ll be informed here at helium Exam *2.* *When* *Will* *Jamb* *2019* *Registration* *Form* *Be* *Released?* Jamb 2019 registration form will be out soon 2018. This is according to the JAMB registrar, Professor Ishaq Oloyede. He said: “We are on with the 2018/2019 admission exercise. This, we started a month ago. We believe by the end of October, we would begin the 2019/2020 admission”. *3. How much Is Jamb 2019 Registration form?* Jamb 2018 registration form was #7,500 including the registration fee, the Use of English reading text and the CBT centre charge. The JAMB registrar has insisted that the price for JAMB 2019/2020 form will not be reduced. *He* *said:* “Why are they not asking askin...
JAMB combination
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2019 JAMB SUBJECTS COMBINATION All candidates seeking for admission into tertiary institutions through JAMB should take note that *English* Language is compulsory for all and is already an automatic part of the subject combinations. Here is the list of jamb subject combinations to assist you in the forthcoming 2019 UTME. JAMB And also note that OUR JAMB Runx subscription is still on you can contact 📞+ *234967674757/08066336668* Email:- *tangimi100@gmail.com* Or Facebook :-Engr runx Master 1. Medicine and Surgery: Use of English, Biology, Physics & Chemistry 2. Agricultural Engineering: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. 3. Computer Science: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics & one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics & Geography 4. Biochemistry: Use of English, Biology, Physics & Chemistry 5. Biological Sciences: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry & Physics or Mathematics. 6. Physics: Use of English,...
Jamb combination
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2019 JAMB SUBJECTS COMBINATION All candidates seeking for admission into tertiary institutions through JAMB should take note that *English* Language is compulsory for all and is already an automatic part of the subject combinations. Here is the list of jamb subject combinations to assist you in the forthcoming 2019 UTME. JAMB And also note that OUR JAMB Runx subscription is still on you can contact 📞+ *234967674757/08066336668* Email:- *tangimi100@gmail.com* Or Facebook :-Engr runx Master 1. Medicine and Surgery: Use of English, Biology, Physics & Chemistry 2. Agricultural Engineering: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. 3. Computer Science: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics & one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics & Geography 4. Biochemistry: Use of English, Biology, Physics & Chemistry 5. Biological Sciences: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry & Physics or Mathematics. 6. Physics: Use of English,...