**ENGR BEBEJI** 💪💪💪

*1.*  *Is* *Jamb* *2019* *Registration* *Form*
No, Jamb registration form 2019 is not yet out on sale. Once the registration form is released, you’ll be informed here at helium Exam

*2.* *When* *Will* *Jamb* *2019* *Registration* *Form* *Be* *Released?*
Jamb 2019 registration form will be out soon 2018.  This is according to the JAMB registrar, Professor Ishaq Oloyede.

He said: “We are on with the 2018/2019 admission exercise. This, we started a month ago. We believe by the end of October, we would begin the 2019/2020 admission”.

 *3. How much Is Jamb 2019 Registration form?*
Jamb 2018 registration form was #7,500 including the registration fee, the Use of English reading text and the CBT centre charge.

The JAMB registrar has insisted that the price for JAMB 2019/2020 form will not be reduced.

*He* *said:* “Why are they not asking asking WAEC to reduce fee? Why are they not asking NECO? Why JAMB? We charge the least and you are saying reduce”.

 *4. Where Can I Register For Jamb 2019?*
Once the registration form is out, you’ll be able to register at Jamb accredited centers nationwide.

You are not allowed to register for JAMB 2019 at any cyber cafe. Registration should be done only at CBT accredited centre's. And we will soon update you for all Accredited CBT centred by Jamb, right here in this Group.

 *5. When Can I Register For Jamb 2019?*
Once registration commences, candidates will be informed to register at accredited centers nationwide.

That will be start at the end of October or latest November.

 *6. Do I need Jamb Profile For Jamb 2019 Registration?*
Of course, you’ll need to create Jamb profile before you can register for Jamb 2019, we will update you to see how to create Jamb profile here in the Group

 *7. Can I Use 2018 Jamb Profile For 2019 Jamb Registration?*
Yes, you are allowed to use the Jamb profile you created for 2018 Jamb registration.

 *8. Is Jamb 2019 Registration Same Process With 2018 Jamb Registration?*
The same registration procedure is expected.

 *9. When Will Jamb 2019 Examination Start?*
JAMB 2019 examination date has not been released.

We will keep updating this Group as new JAMB 2019 updates come in.



Any other inquiries or you need assistance
you can call or chat me up✅✅


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