Reason for converting to Islam
What is the common reason for converting to Islam from Christianity?
Aug 28, 2018 1:54 AM

Bothaina Younes
114w ago
-It answers all the questions clearly, everything has a logical reason.
- It answers all the questions about the seen and the unseen.
- The Qur'an has no single contradiction, unlike other scriptures.
- Aspire you with peace, tranquility and inner happiness.
- Grant you paradise.
- Justice : you are responsible for your own sins, no one can be counted for other's sins.
- All the sins are forgiven, except the shirk.
- Protects women and supports them to the most extinct.
- All the commandments of Allah, is for man's benefit.
- The creator, is unique, self sufficient, absolute and perfect, Has no manly characteristics.
- No mediators or antecessors, between you and your Creator, whenever you needs Him, you can contact Him.
I think these are some of the main factors, that affected conversion to Islam.

Coke Zero
105w ago
Islam's base is stronger than Christianity. Bible has too much contradictions. Mark, John, Luke, Matthew has their own verses and some of them contradict with each other. And some Christians wonder..why does god has a son? Is Jesus a human or a god. I've seen some Christians wonder about these(In some religious discussion forum) and then become atheist or look for another system of belief. Islam happen to be a religion which gains more convert than any other religions. And Quran is a book which has never been altered. 8th century Quran was found in Turkey which happens to be exact same as present day Quran. Quite a feat, isn't it? And Islam's philosophy also appeals to many.
But yeah more Christian becomes atheist than Muslim though.
Apparently Christianity is projected to lose the most number of adherents due to conversion.

As you can see Islam increases more than other religion due to conversion. But People not affiliated with any religion increases at a much faster rate.

Alexander R. Jaruk
32 years living among Christians.
3w ago
I wouldn't know, as I am a Christian, after a fashion, though not part of any declared and delineated sect. However, let me sort of answer in a backhanded way by saying why I do not.
There are several reasons, but I think the most fundamental can be summed up in a single word, a name actually: Aisha.
Any religion whose founder marries a six-year-old is not one I will ever join. I do not care about his reasons, I do not care if she was willing, I do not care if they were not physically intimate until she became an adult 12 years later: the very fact, (and this is not in dispute, I've spoken to many Moslems about it: it’s in the Qur'an, it happened,) that he set this precedent at all means I cannot follow one of its core tenets, considering the teachings of Mohamed beyond doubt.
Luke 17:2

Jeff Verkouille
Heard the Word
116w ago
Don't know how common it is, but hypocrisy has always pushed my buttons, and Christianity tends to have a few too many folks that want to practice a "do as I say, not as I do" version of their faith.
The less than vigilant Muslims I have met tend to admit they are not as observant as they should be rather then pretend to be all good and holy.
I'm with Gandhi on this one: I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. That said, I've Christian friends. They're genuine and honest, and even they agree too many talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.
So why convert? An admiration of honesty and a contempt for liars. But maybe that's jusp
Aug 28, 2018 1:54 AM

Bothaina Younes
114w ago
-It answers all the questions clearly, everything has a logical reason.
- It answers all the questions about the seen and the unseen.
- The Qur'an has no single contradiction, unlike other scriptures.
- Aspire you with peace, tranquility and inner happiness.
- Grant you paradise.
- Justice : you are responsible for your own sins, no one can be counted for other's sins.
- All the sins are forgiven, except the shirk.
- Protects women and supports them to the most extinct.
- All the commandments of Allah, is for man's benefit.
- The creator, is unique, self sufficient, absolute and perfect, Has no manly characteristics.
- No mediators or antecessors, between you and your Creator, whenever you needs Him, you can contact Him.
I think these are some of the main factors, that affected conversion to Islam.

Coke Zero
105w ago
Islam's base is stronger than Christianity. Bible has too much contradictions. Mark, John, Luke, Matthew has their own verses and some of them contradict with each other. And some Christians wonder..why does god has a son? Is Jesus a human or a god. I've seen some Christians wonder about these(In some religious discussion forum) and then become atheist or look for another system of belief. Islam happen to be a religion which gains more convert than any other religions. And Quran is a book which has never been altered. 8th century Quran was found in Turkey which happens to be exact same as present day Quran. Quite a feat, isn't it? And Islam's philosophy also appeals to many.
But yeah more Christian becomes atheist than Muslim though.
Apparently Christianity is projected to lose the most number of adherents due to conversion.

As you can see Islam increases more than other religion due to conversion. But People not affiliated with any religion increases at a much faster rate.

Alexander R. Jaruk
32 years living among Christians.
3w ago
I wouldn't know, as I am a Christian, after a fashion, though not part of any declared and delineated sect. However, let me sort of answer in a backhanded way by saying why I do not.
There are several reasons, but I think the most fundamental can be summed up in a single word, a name actually: Aisha.
Any religion whose founder marries a six-year-old is not one I will ever join. I do not care about his reasons, I do not care if she was willing, I do not care if they were not physically intimate until she became an adult 12 years later: the very fact, (and this is not in dispute, I've spoken to many Moslems about it: it’s in the Qur'an, it happened,) that he set this precedent at all means I cannot follow one of its core tenets, considering the teachings of Mohamed beyond doubt.
Luke 17:2

Jeff Verkouille
Heard the Word
116w ago
Don't know how common it is, but hypocrisy has always pushed my buttons, and Christianity tends to have a few too many folks that want to practice a "do as I say, not as I do" version of their faith.
The less than vigilant Muslims I have met tend to admit they are not as observant as they should be rather then pretend to be all good and holy.
I'm with Gandhi on this one: I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. That said, I've Christian friends. They're genuine and honest, and even they agree too many talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.
So why convert? An admiration of honesty and a contempt for liars. But maybe that's jusp
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